Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Amazing, isn't it?

It amazes me at how quickly things can change.

It amazes me at how much we really need someone greater than ourselves.

It amazes me that Daddy-God, Yeshua, and Holy Spirit are really real and alive.

It amazes me that my entire purpose in this life is to grow in the knowledge of God.

It amazes me at how time seems to stand still while you're in it (whatever "it" means to you)---

The end of this age---this world---this season of life---is coming quickly.

It amazes me at how quickly things can change.

Exodus 20:6
but showing love to ---but showing mercy and steadfast love to---
but showing lovingkindness to---but I lavish My love on---
but displaying grace to---but I'M unswervingly loyal to---

a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.

It's worth getting to know Jesus. You and your future life(children) will take advantage of the change you've made today. Tomorrow will come.

Experience change!

Jesus, If you are real like I've heard it said, then come. I want to connect with You. I want to experience You. Please, be in my heart. I don't know what that means exactly...but draw me close to you so I will learn. I really want to know you. Change me in ways that only you can do.

ps. be sure to check out the links on the right---

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